Hubbies are the best thing that can happen on earth. Well, yes, maybe getting married is, but to know your hubby inside out is possibly the best thing that can make a marriage work. As always, SheZai still upkeep our 'forgive and forget' rule and our 'arguments' never lasted more than one day, or maybe even one hour, or maybe even so rarely nowadays. We seldom argue, which makes me worried sometimes. Sure, arguments make a marriage interesting but it has to be on both sides, like a debate. And when the couple finally reaches a consensus, with one party agreeing to disagree, ahhh.. that's when you know you have achieved something. For us, it's like we keep on making fun of/with each other and we always talk about stuff from A to Z. Best lah married life!!!!!
Why my hubby is the best hubby in the world?!?! Firstly, he really takes care of me and will never fail to include me in his daily life story. He tries to insert me in conversations, which I find quite amusing, though I admit I am really shy at times when he does that. For example, "My wife also did this this this......." Secondly, he always entertain me!!! And we will end up entertaining each other with our silly jokes. He is street-smart and also book-smart. He loves being among friends and is so people-oriented. He works his ass off but also spends enough time with me and MIL. He has seen me at my worst and at my prettiest.
He understands the trials and tribulations of a wife. When he knows that I am busy with work/school, he took the initiative to do the laundry, iron the clothes, wash the toilet, vacuum the floor and do basic housework. And I am very appreciative of him doing that. I can see the sparkle in his eyes when we talk about children. He NEVER fails to SMS me every single working day. "Dear I'm on my way to work." and "Dear I have reached work already. Love you... etc etc." By doing this, I am worry-free and knows that he is safe. I reciprocate the same too. The previous post is a very apt example of marriage. =) Am loving that image.
There's lots more I could say, but I do have to ensure that I don't foster any egotism. Just one more thing. He does not forget about our wedding anniversary. He spurs on just to get me a belated present. I did not ask for it and was quite comfortable with my old Sony Ericsson K610i phone. Furthermore, i do not want the hassle of adapting to using a new phone. But then, he
insisted that he buys for me this...... . . . . . . . . . . . .

16GB 3Gs iPhone. He has converted me.