Thursday, March 24, 2011

Me Time

Work starts in exactly a week's time and I am indeed glad I have spent some 'ME' time alone. I feel totally rejuvenated and am totally prepared to go back to work next week. The tiresome and worrisome me has left the building. I have recharged! Aaliyah is also quite easy to take care of nowadays. She sleeps from 8pm - 12am when she comes home from school. I wake her up at 12am for her bedtime routine. A warm wipedown, sometimes with soothing music, diaper change, her milk feed, and she automatically sleeps until 6am. Everyday. (I know I shouldn't speak too soon but so far Alhamdulillah she has been sleeping well for 1 month already.) When Aaliyah is awake, she is mostly alert and loves to explore her surroundings. She's wonderful. She's beautiful. She's our heart and soul and we LOVE her.

Things that I have done alone during the month of March when Aaliyah is in school:
1. Watched a movie alone with popcorn in hand
2. London Weight Management sessions (sauna, salt scrub, heated blanket, the works...)
3. Shopping for Back-To-Work clothes and other stuffs
4. Catch up on Sleep, sleep and sleep
5. Cut hair
6. Coloured hair
7. Rebonded hair (all at different sessions)
8. Queued up for a goodie bag during Women's International Day
9. Had breakfast at burger king almost once a week. (Turkey Ham Croissant meal!)
10. Went jogging
11. Gave my wardrobe a turnover
12. Went to the arcade (with Hon) to play Daytona and air hockey and laugh and scream loudly.
13. Had a nice 2 hr hot date meal at Seoul Garden with Hon where we talk and confide and converse and laugh and speak our minds.
14. People-watch at Starbucks
15. Got a flu jab
16. Finished reading a book at Borders

And I still have one more week left.

It felt aaaaaawweeesooooooooome!!!!!

And tomorrow marks our 10th anniversary of being together. 25/03/11. Another Super hot date awaits this Saturday..... =)

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