Sunday, July 15, 2007

1 minute thought.

I had a good day today. Time is so precious especially when I meet Hon only 2 days in a week. Our schedules are very very busy and it will always clash. Thus, having time together just for the both of us is wonderful. Nothing beats being together. Phonecalls are just too insuffucient for us. You know the best conversations made are always when you face each other and look each other in the eyes when you talk. You can feel the immediate connection.

One thing I have learnt through books is how you should always have time for yourself and for your spouse. Imagine this, when your husband comes home from work, having a bad day, you start shooting questions at him, "Why are you back so late?", "What you want to eat?", "Why you never say 'I love you' to me when you see me anymore?" , " Where did you go?". Again, it's the Expectations factor we women hold against our spouses which i blogged about a few days ago. Waaahhh The bombardment continues and when the poor husband reclines on his chair, just wanting a quiet time to rest for a while, gets agitated. Imagine the anger building up in his lethargic body. He turns to you and shouts red-eyed," Can't you see i'm tired? Are you blind or what? Just shut up ok! You are always so naggy! Nyet Nyet Nyet Nyet! You are always yelling at me! You never shut your bloody trap! I hate you I hate you I hate you!" Ok, maybe i'm exaggerating. But believe me, it does happen when guys gets agitated. They will say things they don't mean. So how do we remedy this matter?

Always give at least 30 minutes for your partner to be alone when he/she comes home from work. And then, give him/her a back rub or foot massage or head massage or shoulder massage or finger massage or whatever you fancy, and then ask, "So how was your day?". And just leave it at THAT. Listen to him/her first. From there, then you slowly slowly slot in the questions when he/she talks about how tired he is, how evil his boss is, how he wants to fire his staff, how he feel like having a long holiday... Then you hint," Oh, that bad huh.. that must be why you're back so late, working hard for me dear..." and you smile your sexy smile.

How lovely. And you'll go to bed happy. Heeeesh!

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