Sunday, January 22, 2006

Lazy Stay-in Sunday....

Today's such a gloomy weather Sunday. Just the perfect time for me to update this blog, with not much to do around the house. Lunch was just a moment ago , and damn those bugging mynahs who keep flying into my house. I will go like, running into the kitchen like a mad woman, shooing those irritating pests away. And they leave behind gross watery poo poo stuffs you wouldn't want to imagine. Urkh, ok enough of that disgusting things. Life has been great, still. I've never thought of blogging in-depth before but i just feel so right now.

As said, SheZai Phase 2 has long been over, and it has been a brilliant ride. Another month-versary to celebrate this Wednesday. You know, as we age over the years, it kinda feels good being in the different stages of relationship with your soulmate. It's like.. every stage is a challenge. We are now looking into... marriage preparations, house-surveying, learning to cook (on my part), to be financially and mentally (and religiously) stable to dive into that next phase. No doubt it won't be easy. Maybe this is our life. Sometimes i wonder, do other people face the same things? Maybe some others prefer to have it simple and just live-in with parents, or hire a maid to cook and clean, so that they can enjoy life, or even nightlife as a couple. Things that they may have been enjoying before marriage. But is that safe? I really wonder of the side-effects of that on relationships. Others, just maybe, prefers to stand on their own two feet and stay independent. But to me, I think life needs a proportion of everything, it just depends on the right time, the right place and the right people.

I just got my last pay to splurge and i am so going to indulge and pamper my guts out next week. After sludging N enduring for 8 months at work, getting cursed and scolded and whamed at for things that i didn't do, I've had enough. My emotional stability at work is on the down low. have had enough of all that Singaporean customers bullshit. I'm slamming down my power-letter. It's time for that 1 week of pure ultimate pampering and indulgance, where i can just zip down my fake exterior and emerge as another new me... yea well.. again. Splurges here I come! Of course, that is, after i have put aside some for rainy days. Wait a minute , did i just say last paycheck? Yes, i did. Oh double whammy.

But to hell with that. I'm gonna start a new job soon. Already got one with a much much much lower pay. And i feel funny, cos deep inside, i don't mind. Neither does Hon (cos he wants me to be happy.) Though people will be shocked. But why should i care what other people think, as long as i am satisfactorily happy and that opportunity comes along at that very perfect moment? I've had enough ringing in my ears, of friends, colleagues, people, whining, "i hate my job... but what to do." If they don't do anything about it, I will. I want to just look up to the sky and scream.." I love my job!!" Just like a few friends i know who does. I really admire them. Sorry Mom and Dad. I will prove you wrong by climbing my way up slowly. I just want a simple life. Why make things difficult?

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