Well, I'm putting off stress for now. Ergo, I blog. I am not going to blog about KL at the moment. That's another total different story. But do stay tuned coz I will blog about and review our KL trip anytime soon. It was a BLAST! As for now, I'm gonna blog about Hon's cats, as promised. But first! Before we start, as you know, I've put up a poll on the left of this blog, called SheZai's Guess-The-Picture Game. Majority voted for 'A Big Soft Toy On A Boy's Head'. And a tie for 'A Puppy's Sleeping Face' and 'A Cat's Balls'. Let me show you the picture again here. Second guess it, if you may. But if you jolly well can't be bothered or really really wanna know what it is.....


It's MimiLabu's BALLS!
He is one of Hon's aunt's favourite cat. Super fat. Super senak. Protruding paunch. (which equates to small balls? Haha! I dunno. Just a guess.) Has breathing difficulty due to his fatness! You just want to squeeeeze his babat perut. He eats and sleep for a living. Made you think I wanna say 'squeeze his balls' right? Sheesh! Haha!
Next, me and Hon's mostest mostest cutest favouritest cat, Tai-Tai!!! Well, it's actually short form for Tiger. He is so adorable and manja. But he will always get kurap, then he scratch until got blood. Then suddenly one of his hands become big and kempis again in one day. Then the next day, he looks like he gots the mumps with a bloated face. Then kempis again. One weirdo. But he's our beloved weirdo. =)

This one below is 'OOooooooooooowhale'. OK Don't ask me why his name is that. But we must pronounce it in such a way that the Oooooo is high pitched and the 'whale' is low pitch for him to respond. My sister likes to poke fun at it.

Next is 'Babe'. Babe is the most decent of all. Always keep to itself. And then the tongue always sticks out, like sexy like that lah konon, with that sexy eyes.

This one below is Hon's Nenek's cat, Ning-Ning. It will always climb on top of nenek's lap and nenek will talk to it like a human being, telling it stories and rubbing its head and fur.

The 6th, last but not least, is Ginger, the most dangerous and gangster of the house. He has to be locked up. His worst enemy is MimiLabu. These 2 cannot see eye to eye. They will fight till blood splurts everywhere. So when MimiLabu goes to bed inside Nenek's room for the night, Ginger will come out and roam the 'streets' doing his rounds and spotchecks. If he goes to the toilet, NO other cats are allowed to follow him or pee at the same toilet. Not Allowed! He can scratch and bite you like a white tiger. But his only weakness, is Hon. When he hears Hon's footsteps from outside the house, coming nearer and nearer, he will straight away, automatically go INTO his cage. AND STAYS there until Hon goes to sleep. Then he will crawl out slowly, his eyes making sure that our bedroom door is locked, and do his rounds again.

There you have it!! Hon's 6 Cats!!! Balls Anyone??! Hehehe!


It's MimiLabu's BALLS!
He is one of Hon's aunt's favourite cat. Super fat. Super senak. Protruding paunch. (which equates to small balls? Haha! I dunno. Just a guess.) Has breathing difficulty due to his fatness! You just want to squeeeeze his babat perut. He eats and sleep for a living. Made you think I wanna say 'squeeze his balls' right? Sheesh! Haha!
Next, me and Hon's mostest mostest cutest favouritest cat, Tai-Tai!!! Well, it's actually short form for Tiger. He is so adorable and manja. But he will always get kurap, then he scratch until got blood. Then suddenly one of his hands become big and kempis again in one day. Then the next day, he looks like he gots the mumps with a bloated face. Then kempis again. One weirdo. But he's our beloved weirdo. =)

This one below is 'OOooooooooooowhale'. OK Don't ask me why his name is that. But we must pronounce it in such a way that the Oooooo is high pitched and the 'whale' is low pitch for him to respond. My sister likes to poke fun at it.

Next is 'Babe'. Babe is the most decent of all. Always keep to itself. And then the tongue always sticks out, like sexy like that lah konon, with that sexy eyes.

This one below is Hon's Nenek's cat, Ning-Ning. It will always climb on top of nenek's lap and nenek will talk to it like a human being, telling it stories and rubbing its head and fur.

The 6th, last but not least, is Ginger, the most dangerous and gangster of the house. He has to be locked up. His worst enemy is MimiLabu. These 2 cannot see eye to eye. They will fight till blood splurts everywhere. So when MimiLabu goes to bed inside Nenek's room for the night, Ginger will come out and roam the 'streets' doing his rounds and spotchecks. If he goes to the toilet, NO other cats are allowed to follow him or pee at the same toilet. Not Allowed! He can scratch and bite you like a white tiger. But his only weakness, is Hon. When he hears Hon's footsteps from outside the house, coming nearer and nearer, he will straight away, automatically go INTO his cage. AND STAYS there until Hon goes to sleep. Then he will crawl out slowly, his eyes making sure that our bedroom door is locked, and do his rounds again.

There you have it!! Hon's 6 Cats!!! Balls Anyone??! Hehehe!
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