Two x 10KM runs in a span of just one week. I must be crazy. I thought I could never achieve such feat, but hooray hooray, I did it. It's a training of endurance for the mind, mostly. And my iPod playlist music helps. When I run, with the wind swishing my pony-tailed hair, my mind wanders into its deepest abyss, it keeps whirring and spinning thinking about a lot of things. From the most mundane stuff like, what shall I wear to work tomorrow, to the most extraordinary stuff like what if the world really ends in 2012. Somebody once told me that I am a Thinker. That I like to think. And I guess she may just be right. See, when I think during running, my feet get switched on to auto-pilot. They just move. The distance doesn't seem to matter anymore. So does the whole world. I am in an enclosed world of my own. With neutrons sending all sorts of messages running through my veins and nerve system... Ok, my imagination is running wild. Sorry I digress. Heeeeh! It's an ultimately GREAT feeling to run!! Try it.
Sheikha's Top Ten Facts on the Great Eastern Women's 10K Run1. I feel that some parts of it were rather disorganized. Like for example, when the second wave was just about to start running, one organizer practically tried to stop us with his bare hands outstretched in front of him and he shouted, "Wait, Wait!!" Whaa.... how? That was such a funny sight. The runners just ran past him! He gave up eventually. haha! Luckily he didn't get pancake-flat from being stepped on!
2. The weather was absolutely brilliant. Cooling, with no sun at all!
3. The route was not as scenic as the Nike race. And road was cramp at the starting and the ending.
4. I love the Finisher Medal!!
5. The organisers were not strict with the running gear. Hon actually spotted a runner wearing a button-up-SHIRT with running shorts.
6. More makcik-makcik and aunty-aunty and grandma-grandma were seen. Salute them!
7. Hon spotted 2 aunty tai-tais in running gear, carrying big bags and walking and talking/gossiping, like they just come back from market beli sayur like that.
8. There was no stench along the way.... hmm... does this mean that girls/women smell better than guys? Or we don't stink at all? ahhahhaa!
9. The cheering at the finishing line was superb.
10. The run of the day goes to an elderly GRANDMOTHER, who completed the race at a timing of 50+ minutes!!
Snapshots of the Run

Me all set to go..... Run Ladies Run!

The first was a Kenyan at an amazing 30mins.

A few more self-reflection:
"Much in life cannot be affected,but must be borne,without complaint, because complaints are a bore, and undermine the serenity essential to endurance."
-Acheson, Dean Gooderham,
Quoted in Gaddis Smith American Secretaries of State (1972)
"Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory."
~ William Barclay
"He that can't endure the bad will not live to see the good."
~ Yiddish Proverb
"Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck-- but, most of all, endurance."
~ James Baldwin
"Endurance is the cure for any pain."
~ Latin Proverb
Next up, after the race, Hon and I watched our long awaited ultimate favourite movie of all time, SAW VI!!!! Both Hon and I agreed that the movie wasn't so gory at all!!! Well, Not as gory as the fifth installment (the best and the goriest). Yeap, we're that sick. Hehe! The best liner of the movie goes to, "It's not my game!" Aaaah... Love the suspense at the ending! My most favourite game would be the last part where hydrofluoric acid was pumped into William,(the insurance agent who is sucking his clients' money/premiums and denying them claims) and his intestines and guts spilled out when his body is melting and slipping onto the floor. Woooaaahhh Best!! This installment of Saw will reveal all..... You will/will not be disappointed. Here are the posters I managed to research off the web. Really Cool!!

Oooh Oooh! I wanna share something with you!! It's another different note altogether about short skirts! Surely you'll be interested right!?!?! Ok ok, see, I was walking on my own to Orchard one fine evening, when I saw a horrendous sight!!! Oh I'm gonna be so evil and vicious, please don't mind me. These 2 ladies in really short LBDs were sashaying in front of me, I can't help but look. Duh, I'm human. But when my gaze fell on their shoes, I went.. Kwa kwa kwa....

What the.... C'mon, you're wearing a really black elegant dress, heavily made-up, you COULD have better shoes right?!?! Short dresses go with heels! Be it kitten heels or 6-inch killer ones!! You're wearing horrendous pregnant-lady soiled and tainted Flats!! It looked like school canvas shoes at one glance. Hahahaha! Oh did I forget, it was actually .....
Halloween night that night.... No... wonder...... (Sarcasm)