Let me let you in on a secret. I have really ugly shoes. No, really, seriously. Very VERY ugly shoes. Hon can vouch for that. I really do NOT know how to shop for pretty shoes. Whatever I have are all black, black, black, black, black, black, black. Maybe because I think I can match black with almost everything. And it goes well with all office wear. So black sandals, black heels, black shoes, black flats, black everything, as you can see from the image below. Disintegrated, torn, broken, worn out, tattered, I decided to THROW everything! That is after 5 years or so, maybe?
Hah~ Bye Bye Black Black Black!
Hah~ Bye Bye Black Black Black!

So with my very little knowledge on women's shoes, I asked Hon, my fashion stylist, for his sound advice on women's shoes. Shame on me, kan! I'm a woman and I don't know how to buy nice shoes. Hahaha! Hon even said all the shoes I own are b-o-r-i-n-g! So there! I used up all my Capitaland vouchers to buy these shoes and have to pay only $12 (from $170) for both pairs at Pedro. Hee! What a worthy purchase~! OK maybe with an exception for the first pair I bought that has to be black. I like the zip details.

And gold shoes for raya. A bit the lecheh due to the buckles... so i must try to discreetly bend down, squat down or walk unsteadily to a corner and senyap senyaply lift up my kain baju kurung like makcik makcik and try to buckle it. Hahaha! Serves me right for buying such shoes... Hmmph!

Me, Myself and I.


I love us.
I also like MIKA's new album!!! I loike! Especially 'Blue Eyes'! It's on repeat mode on my iTunes! I love the way his songs are just so care-free. Recommended for easy listening.

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