The weekend has been marvelous! Hon and I watched 'Dance Flick' the previous night at Downtown East after he finished school. Man, It was crappy to the m-a-x. Spoofs of most of the dance flicks including Step Up, Hairspray, Save the last dance, Stomp the yard and even Twilight! I would love to do a 'Sheikha's Top Ten Facts' on this movie but I'm running short of time here. So a short preview it is yea. The movie's not really HA HA funny but if you follow the Wayans brothers in their production, you'll know what to expect. Some of the dance moves are really ill. There is NO flow of storyline, and you'll be most likely to say, "What the....." at some scenes. If you really digg the Wayans, then go watch it for some internal stir of giggles. But otherwise, don't even bother to catch it, especially on weekends, when the price tickets cost a bomb, ya know what I mean.
We watched 'The Ugly Truth' next. Typical of a relationship flick, girl wants hot dude, cheesy dick came into the picture to 'teach' her how to get hot dude, cheesy dick gets jealous, girl suddenly falls in love with cheesy dick, argued with cheesy dick on why he didn't go after her, and girl finally got together with cheesy dick, leaving hot dude high and dry. Phew! There. That just goes into summarizing the movie. Stale story line. I thought it would be a breath of fresh air, but nope. Same ol' storyline.
We're gonna watch 'Bruno' next! Now that, I have expectations for. The ultimately talented Sacha Baron Cohen from 'Borat' will slip into another skin, gay as hell. Let's see how that goes.
BUT! The most anticipated movie for me would be 'FAME'! I SO Can't wait for that to be out!! I'm gonna buy the poster to add to my collection for SURE! And then join Jitterbugs for some dance lessons. Yummy~!

FAME! Remember my Name! Dream it, Earn it, Live it.
Right, enough about movies for now. The agenda for yesterday was for Hon and I to go to JB to get our Baju Kurungs. But the lure of the day was so syiok, we then planned to cancel JB and go to Geylang to get them instead. The day dragged on and we were still at home. In the end, we gave up buying baju kurungs totally and headed to Orchard Rd instead!! We totally side-tracked big-time! Guilt!! Shopping!! I bought a dress from F21 and Hon bought me another dress.
Shopping for dresses. =)
He got himself an Arsenal jersey. The reason why we gave up Geylang on a Saturday was due to the heat and the crowd. We are left with only ONE saturday to shop for our baju kurungs. The only Saturday Hon is not working. We are gonna brave the crowd and weather for that one. Speaking of which, Hon has to work on the day of Hari Raya, the day after Hari Raya and the next weekend after Hari Raya. So I won't be spending this Raya with him. =( His work beckons. So sedih. Sigh....
The Nike Human Race is back, people!! 24 Oct 09! I would love to join the 10km run again! But the bimbo thing is, I stupidly signed up for the Great Eastern Women's 10km run on the 1 Nov 09!! A week after the Human Race!! I had no idea the Human Race was gonna be on that date! It was after i signed up for the GE Women's race that i realised. By then, it was too effing late. Damn. Should I run 10km on both dates? Hmm.... strategize strategize...maybe i'll sign up for both, but give my all for the Nike Human Race. And lax for the GE one. Hmm.. yea that'd be it. Itchy hands me!!
Right. Assignment cramping time now! Meeting my girls later for iftar. Pictures soon!
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