Hey people! It's me again. Yeap. Hon's kinda busy these days, you see. So it's up to me to update. Well, guess what. I have discovered a really cool firefox add-on called Cooliris! It has been around for quite some time, but this new update is waaay cool! The interface is ultimately smooth!! Check out my desktop! You can easily scroll pictures found on the internet, watch YouTube videos with ease and even have the latest updates of movie trailers or music videos!! I am SO LOVING THIS ADD-ON!!
My Desktop now...... I downloaded a persona and coloured tabs too. Whaddaya think? =)
Click the image below to view a big-ass version of my desktop picture.

And from this I discovered that a children's book entitled "Where The Wild Things Are" are gonna be made into a MOVIE!!! Most early childhood educators would be familiar with this book.... And when I watched the trailer.... yup.. It's my type of fantasy movie. And I want to watch it! Wonder why the trailer ain't showing in movies yet... hmm...hehehe! Hon will NEVER watch it with me I bet.
OH! I love the trailer song too and I took the liberty to find out what the song title is!
It's "Wake Up" by Arcade Fire..The alternate version.. Nice!!
If the children don’t grow up,
our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up.
We’re just a million little god’s causin rain storms turnin’ every good thing to rust.
My Desktop now...... I downloaded a persona and coloured tabs too. Whaddaya think? =)
Click the image below to view a big-ass version of my desktop picture.

And from this I discovered that a children's book entitled "Where The Wild Things Are" are gonna be made into a MOVIE!!! Most early childhood educators would be familiar with this book.... And when I watched the trailer.... yup.. It's my type of fantasy movie. And I want to watch it! Wonder why the trailer ain't showing in movies yet... hmm...hehehe! Hon will NEVER watch it with me I bet.
The characters are really scary. Check it out.
OH! I love the trailer song too and I took the liberty to find out what the song title is!
It's "Wake Up" by Arcade Fire..The alternate version.. Nice!!
If the children don’t grow up,
our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up.
We’re just a million little god’s causin rain storms turnin’ every good thing to rust.
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