I bumped into something interesting the other day at Marks & Spencer. They now have this frozen food section where selected food are kept in the fridge. And among those delicious foodstuff, I came across this peculiarly named pudding. It's called "2 spotted dick" pudding. The picture on the packaging sure doesn't look gross. In fact, it looks really tempting. Hehe! But.. gees! What a name to give a pudding!

Another module completed, setting up corners can be so tedious. But group work is fun! My groupmates are a fun bunch too!

The same bunch went to the 'Then and Now' exhibition at OC to do a little photo-taking for another project. That went chop-chop. And we nearly dreamt of trying out the rock-climbing thingy there. Looks cool! Maybe next time yea!

Selamat berpuasa, everyone!
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