Appendix 1&2:

Refer to Appendix 1: The fashion police must be shot dead if they don't spot this one coming. This shade of blue is everywhere! Hon and me counted
34 girls wearing this exact shade of blue in less than
3 hours in town. Try it.. Count them girls (or guys) next time you are malingering in town, with lots and lots of time on your side. You'll see...Is it the IN colour now? Serious? What happened to black and white jail stripes tops? Ha Ha!
Refer to Appendix 2: From waay last time...Gold chain necklace with BRIGHT Red Heart Locket! Like....... What? Yes yes yes i know it's nice. But again, if tooooo many pple wear them, it drowns out the nice-ness, totally. And it becomes an eye-sore. Goodness. Next!
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