The works had stopped at home. Finally, i could breathe some fresh air. But dust is still everywhere. I have been wearing slippers at home for 2 weeks. Hehe! I love it, I love it, I love it! My envision of my very own toilet design has finally materialised. Yeay! However, it's not finished yet. There's more to it. The glass partition has yet to be installed. Gonna get decals in black to paste on the white side of the walls. OoOOo.. My ideas just keep on flowing. I'm so excited! Can't wait to decorate my room with Hon, oops, no.. Our Room. Hon, me and my parents have gone furniture shopping and we've got our bed and wadrobe for the room. Hon, we're gonna paint the walls together yea! We have brainstormed together as one as to how our room will be like. I'm not gonna blog and post it up here. Wait and See. =)
Before The Renovation Works
Been in this state for 14 years. The walls have yellowed. The grime and dirt can't be removed even when you scrub it with whatever toxic-acidic-nuclearic-stainwash there ever was. As usual, by human nature, you can't be bothered to arrange the toileteries as it's just a grab-and-use affair everytime you take a shower. And notice the gaudy design. Thus, It's time for a makeover, home edition, by SheZai. =)
After the makeoverI LOVE IT!
On another note, I'm having such a ball of a time with Hon. I just love talking to him about everything that bothers me, makes me happy or makes me angry or sad. Basically I love to talk to him. He's the best advisor in my life and we never hide anything from each other. He understands me to my bones. But never judgemental. He's the reason I'm always happy.
I'm always here for you whenever you need me, Honey. Even if time isn't on our side as always, ever since your NS days, we have always endured whatever life has to offer. I love you.
From: Your Borders Girl