Started the day out with me and Hon attending the Kursus Rumahtangga at 930am. Lasted the whole day till 6pm. Ustazah Hamidah, our counsellor, is so knowledgeable and her advices are sharp and witty. Her guidance is a real mind-opener. SheZai scored the highest score in e love department. =) Our answers to the questions are so similar to each other, one may have thought we were siblings with the same brains. We had the same perspectives on Love and our long term goals. MFEO yea Hon? =) After a whole afternoon of lesson, it's time for us to head on to the stadium for some football action. We managed to catch SG vs Aus. It was also the closing ceremony of our beloved National Stadium. Many memories left behind.
All sweaty and icky among crowds, yelling and shouting profanities at the top of our lungs, enjoying the game, soaking up the atmosphere, nothing can beat that.

Instead, after the game and closing ceremony, me and Hon went to catch up with friends for a midnight movie of "Transformers" at Plaza Sing. We thought we would sleep in the movie due to the fact that we were so lethargic the whole day. However, the movie was so good, we managed to watch the whole show, without even nodding off! As encouraged by Hon, I think i might want to watch the original cartoon version of Transformers all over again. Hon, let's buy them cartoon VCDs and watch them together k. Hahaha! Instead of being interested in Korean soap dramas or whatever else, SheZai wants to watch Cartoons! Yeay! Then you, being a Transformers Addict, can explain to me about those charming Autobots and Megatrons. Set?
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