My First motive was how to get rid of all these books that have been in the cupboard collecting dust for years. Yes, I was in the Generation of "Sweet Valley Twins/High/U", 'Sweet Dreams', 'Christopher Pike', 'Enid Blyton', Archie and those in that era lah. Hahaha! Mentel kan.
Should I keep these or throw away? I just wanna get rid of it. Anybody wanna grab it, can e-mail me.
Towering high like the leaning tower of Pisa.
Can't take a second look at them no more.
Sell to Karang Guni? Gonna part with them soon... so sad.

This Gem of a Book is still with me? Wow! I totally forgot about it. I was all in craze of Take That when i was in Primary 6. I bought this book when i was in Sec 1, which will be in 1995. Hahaha! Mark Owen, Gary Barlow, Howard Donald, Robbie Williams and Jason Orange. Oh my god.. I still remember their names? Wtf? ahhaha! So Kental! Well, admit it, everybody WAS kental last time.
Any fans of Take That wanna buy this from me? For Sale.

Sweet Dreams Series. Oh my god. These were all the rage in 1994. It'll be in every mentel girl's schoolbag. And they will sneak a good read or two in between textbooks during Math lessons. Oh Those were the days...
Boyfriends, Girlfriends, Bitches, Cat-fight, Fashion, Enemies, all about teenage life.

Ok, I used to collect Stamps. I admit it. I was a Nerdy, Geeky Stamp-collector.
And now, i don't know how much they're worth. I doubt it'll be a lot.
Another thing to give away too, which i think nobody would be interested in, in this zaman.
ok Next!

"Liquide" - Singapore's HipHop Magazine.
This was waaaaaaaayyyy back.
These... I wanna keep. For Memories.
heh heh.

The old-type machines are nowhere to be found though. I still remembered me and my girlfriends, after school, hanging-out at Parkway Parade, using scissors to cut and portion the 16 piece stickers of our mentel selves, and then paste them on our pencilcases, rulers, biography books, whatever small space there is to paste the silly grins of ours. Feeling I-have-the-best-smile-and-best-face
-and-i-am-cuter-than-you look.
And i still have these????
Nak tampal mana lagi ni?? Gatal. Amik banyak-banyak.

I have these. I used to play the clarinet for my TK Band, and my Dad bought for me the clarinet lesson tape. As for the rest... I have no idea i had such a bad taste in music last time. Very bad taste.... Eeee.... *Shivers*. Ace of Base? 4U2C lah!! Hahaha! What was I Thinking??!?!?!
I have to discard them immediately from the surface of this earth, before somebody finds out!

Another thing that was all the rage last time, were friendship bracelets.
Yes, they are still in my ancient cupboard, tucked nicely somewhere in the corner. A plastic bag full of those threads, in different colours. Along with Instructions on how to make your own ID band. ahhaha!
Now, there is no time to do such stuffs. And no friends would want to wear threads around their wrist no more. I'll gladly part with these.
Buat Semak ajer kan.


Yeay! These are still in good shape!! These i'm for sure gonna keep.
They don't make it this good no more.
Me and Hubby2b will have lots and lots of Game Time when we are bored during weekends or even pass them down to our little SheZai (errrr) in the future. Educational Board Games, Can't live with them(Due to the mess), Can't live without them (Fun!).
Now, if only we can find the time to play.....

Before Digital Cameras, there were the Film roll ones.
And having real photos in a frame are something to cherish. Now, everything's digital and if you are lazy to go develop the pics, they will vanish with the click of a virus.
So, take time to develop them memorable photos and keep them in a nice frame.
My Hon, about 5-6 years back. Before and During NS times. Hehehe! I LOVE THIS GUY!

Before the EZ Link, there were the magnetic TransitLink Farecard.
And yes... These 2 pathetic flimsy cards are still lurking inside a box i made for Home-Econs. Hahaha!
Totally worthless now.....
But always good to keep. Now i sound like a Rag'nBone woman.
Uh Oh.

And i still have this booK!!! You could see the aged pages. I am gonna preserve it, and treasure it.
Yes, My Dad is my home tutor. And he strictly teaches me Grammar, Vocab and the English likes when i was just in Pri 1. I will always thank him for that.
Meanwhile try to click to enlarge n read my Compo. So Silly Me!! hahahaha!!!
*Phew* 4 hours of clearing just 1 cupboard!! But thinking back, I was glad, I was indeed very glad that i had such nice childhood memories. Childhood memories etched in my mind forever.
1 Bookshelf/cupboard down..... 6 more to go. *aaaarrrrrggghhh!!!!!*
Travis: The Boy With No Name is my current favourite Album! Been re-listening to it so much.
-=Hmm... Would that count for a better music taste?=- Hehehe!
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