Last Thursday, I met up with my secondary school besties for dinner. It was a delightful ocassion where we caught up on updates with one another. We went to the Straits Kitchen Buffet at Grand Hyatt Hotel. The food there, i would say, is tantalizing to the taste buds. With the Asian likes of Rice, Kway Teow, Prawn Mee, Ikan Bakar, Sambal Udang Petai, Laksa, Paper Prata, Keropok, the list will go on and on and you really need an empty stomach of 2 days if you wanna try out all the different small-portioned dishes there. A huge variety indeed. Compared to Carousel where the spread is more international, Straits leans towards the Asian taste buds. I gave my friends a treat just because. Part birthday, part me getting a perm job. I did not upload any food pic delights this time coz i was busy picking and choosing and eating. More pics can be found on my multiply:
sheikhaz.multiply.comHere are my Ladies. How time flies.....

6 Babes & A Baby

Darling Lil Adly playing while his Mom Ros dines. He's a Charmer.

A B'day Present from my beloved Friends

Thank you, Dear FRANS.
I bought me these. One for beachin', one for work. Lovely, aren't they?

On another note, I get to spend some time with my Hon, who's back from reservist, yeay! He looks awfully tanned now, but still as charming to me as ever. Hee! We had re-runs of 'Wicker Park' and we are all crazy about this ol'movie. You gotta rent/buy the DVD and watch it, if you haven't. We rented 'Haven' too, from the makers of 'Crash' (one of SheZai's faves too) and it was gangsta raggae all the way. Orlando Bloom speaks raggae-ish in the movie which is just so sexy marn..... hahaha! I'm so glad I get to spend time with Hon doing the things we love to do. I'll take a breather for now, allowing Hon to blog soon.
I really wish I could spend more time with my grandparents. Sigh.... Guilt-feeling.
Thank You Ema & Frizzy who signed the GuestBook. "Perfect" is quite a strong word, my Dear. To Us, It's the simplest littlest things that matter most. =) Cheers!!
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