Nando's is just delectable. And FYI, they are thinking of opening one in Singapore! First hand information from the staff there. Oh god, do you know that they are having this promo whereby all the guys have to wear boxers with T shirts. Funny sight they are!

Why oh why did A&W disappear in S'pore?

Planet Hollywood Next to watch the stupid soccer match btn ManU and Chelsea.
The Bananananna Split.

to end the ever-groooooging stomach cravings.

Haaa.. Ni mesti beli kat Yong Peng. Sapa tak beli, rugi. Kena pandai cari yang garing Ok. Hon and me bought a pack each. Our fave!
Next, let me give you a tour of our hotel. We stayed in Westin Hotel for 2 nights. Let the pictures speak for themselves yar.
Inviting freeflow drinks at the lobby.
The chic reception area
Our heavenly bedrooms
Our heavenly toilets
I can soak up in here for hours.
The hotel main toilet
The swimming Pool.
The poolview from our room
The sky view from our room
The Heavenly Bed

And yes, onwards to our pictures next!
The Backpackers-in-making
Us with the Nando's-guy-in-boxers.
Cousin Firuz n Hon
Waiting for our Nando's chicken
At the Italian restaurant
SheZai at Planet Hollywood
My cousins Fahmy and Mai
Sister and Cousin Firuz
My Sister

Trying the night effect on them
SheZai in KL
Yes! We met the lovely Tina and Fawa, our good friends in KL. They were a great bubbly bunch and we had so much fun cathing up with them. Thank you ladies!

I miss them already.

I can't believe they are promoting Singapore in KL, using PHUA CHU KANG props. Pls lah Singapore. Come up with something else... Tourists will think Singapore is full of Ah Peks in weird yellow oversized boots, unruly messy curly hair, and a ghastly witch-like huge-ass Mole on the face which is like EEEeeeWww!!
Ooops.. We dropped by Madras, India for a short while. And when i say short while, i really mean short while. We couldn't take the noon heat there.
Well that's all folks for our SheZai's KL Trip! Till our next Eating Adventure. We'll meet again.
Next, let me give you a tour of our hotel. We stayed in Westin Hotel for 2 nights. Let the pictures speak for themselves yar.
Inviting freeflow drinks at the lobby.

Well that's all folks for our SheZai's KL Trip! Till our next Eating Adventure. We'll meet again.
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