If only this chandelier could be used as a main lighting at my void-deck... it'll be great. But alas, i could not and would not afford such stuffs. *membazirkan!*

Haaaa.. This is one of the Deco that struck my mind, I imagine.. having a Disco theme, with different coloured spotlights, tapi if dah kat bawah block void-deck, i can imagine another thing. The look of the makcik-makcik's faces as if to say, "Dah buang terbiat?" ahh i must be out of my mind. Hey, it's not wrong to be creative and different. haha!

Next Up, We head off to Jusco to get on a deco-high summore before stopping to eat at Manhattan Fish Market. This man will "burn" your saucy prawns for you on the spot. But actually, i don't see the diff la. In fact, they just taste of burnt chars, that's all. No need the hoohaa of lighting that Gas Fire thingy in front of our faces. We get it. But thumbs up for effort!

I don't know what is this fish called, it's on the catch of the day menu, but my cousin Raudha had a blast of a time eating this fish. It must be damn delicious. *Stresses on the word damn* hahaha!

Butter Garlic Mussels is a Must-Try! Seriously, anybody can make this. Let me give you the recipe in which i have tried and tested, fry some chopped garlic, add lots and lots of melted butter and let it simmer. Then pour over anything you deem you can eat with it. That's all! I'm Serious. Period.

As you can see, presenting.....my charred prawns.
And yes, for the fish, i'd give it a so-so review as i think FishnCo is better.
Fish always taste better with melted cheese and butter i reckon.

What's left of that fish. The portion is A LOT i tell ya. THe garlic rice is delicious but people usually fork around the main attraction first. As you see.

My Cousin Firuz and Amir

My cousins Mai and Fahmy

My cousins Raudha and Aminor

Momma and me! (Yes, i realised i've grown chubbier by all that good food. I couldn't resist.) hahaha!

"Kedai Menjual makanan tidak halal" - So apt and responsible of them to put up this signage. But then again, it's a BakWa stall... so it's pretty obvious right? =)
Can't wait for next trip with Hon along! Hon, I really miss you so much. I'm going to stay up tonight to wait for you to come home from work at 2 am just so that i can talk to you on the phone. Don't mind the fact that i have to wake up at 6am for work. Sacrificing my sleep is nothing compared to hearing your voice and getting to talk to you and asking you about your day. I Love You.
P/S: No i do not complain about you not blogging ok.. hmm ok.. maybe i do.. just a little teeny weeny complaint... haha no maybe a lot. hahaha! You and your SHOES!!! ahhaha! Nevermind ok, I still love you and your shoes. And i know you still love me. =)*hugs*
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