My New Toy,From Hun For My Birthday Pressie
Now I can MSN anywhere since Sg is going wireless in most part of SG for free! I can also do my work using the Pocket Pc. Thanks Hun!
Well, I haven't been blogging lately. Quite busy with work as always. Anyways I've found myself a favourite movie so far that I really can memorise the plots, cast, lines etc. The movie is? SAW 1, SAW 2 & SAW 3! Well, I didn't really catch the first 2 actually but went to watch straight away the 3rd one. Didn't want to watch it in fact but was highly persuade by Hun. Got a little help by Hun about what its all about during the show & from then on I was like wow! Very gory & manupulative plot! We then rent SAW 2 & caught it on Saturday at Hun's place together with mum. I bought the 1st one & now I fully understand the whole story!
Hopefully there'll be the sequels to it!
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