Reborn rebond.
Being overworked and underpayed sux. The word is.... exploitation. But i'm thankful for the experience gained. So, from then, i'll still be a job-seeker in Singapore. I hope to get a permenant post now. Application for teaching was unsuccessful. Maybe it's a sign.... to try something else. Hmmm... Tuition lessons with my students are also ending this week. What irony. No Work= No Pay. No Pay=No Play.
So i guess next week i'm gonna refurbish this blog. It's gettin stale. And the links don't work good. Hon? Let's crash brains.
No.. wait. I actually continued working there, but at the Quality Control Security Department. Hahahahahhahaha . Oh how great. It's like 50% LESS work than in Finance! I get to shake my legs! Hurrah! No more aching backs.
Anyway, I love my Grandma who is in ICU now. Insya Allah She'll get well soon. I feel lucky to get to kiss her cheeks and hold her hands b4 she went for that major operation. I felt like crying. Imagine giving birth to 14 children in her life (my aunts and uncles), feeling the pain and joy and watch them grow old and get married. And she has about 10 great-grand-daughters and sons. She must be SuperMoM and SuperGranny rolled into one. A gentle one. Please God, let her be free from pain.
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