Something else has been in my mind. Lasagna. Especially those wet, creamy ones like the ones at pizza hut. Damn how do they make the lasagna so wet and creamy? Is it the cheese? the milk (they add milk?!?) the bechamel sauce? Mine lacks the Oooomph factor that lasagnas are suppose to give. I'm gonna try making one again soon, tomoro maybe. Practice makes perfect. Since BF & me has been craving for it, i'm gonna make some especially for him. Hold those drools, BF. :)
Cooking with Love. That's the Oooomph factor.
Wanna click the pic for a clearer, yummyier view? It'll open up a new browser. So just click! :)
Ok, fastforward. Now is about 3pm on Monday. No i'm not schooling. I'm alone at home. As always. But not bored studying anymore! Ronovation works has caused my studying to cease. Instead.....Cheffiers Sheikha in da House. I'm just back from being busy around the kitchen since about noon. Cravings schmavings, i Bought all the ingredients i need from the market this morning to make that "perfect, wet & creamy & cheeeeesy lasagna" that i dreamed about ever since last night. Yes. Guess what?SUCCESS it is!!! It IS now wet and Creamy and cheesy! i say i say!!! yea baby! Cook, bake, add a pinch here and there, layer, cheeeesy, creamy, wet and wild. Dig in fellas. Looky there. Click it to see. Want some? :P~
So right now, i'm gonna surprise BF by fetching him from work (save him from that oh-so-tiring 24-hour shift!) at about 9pm tonight. With this lasagna specially made with love for Him. SSsssshhhh!! :) Wish me Luck!
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