Sunday, August 03, 2003

Thanks for visiting~!

First and foremost, Hello to those who tag this blog. :) Thank you. Your presence is soo much apppreciated.
:) I didn't meet bf today. bf bz. He's gonna meet his friends later to discuss a project... And me just finish sprucing up my Room. Throwin away all my junks.. Yeap that poster's up on my wall now. hee! Damn tired. Not sure if i wanna go swimming wit my mom n sis later at night. Very lecheh.. Nvm , i'll jus bum around at home and watch tv or chill wit a good book and a cuppa tea. A book i'm currently reading is called,"The Female Eunuch" By Germaine Greer (Flamingo series, 1970). New York Times quote it as the best feminist book so far, full of bile and insight... But hey, no, i'm not a feminist. It's just that these issues trigger a deeper sense of questions in the nooks and crannies of my brain. Here's an excerpt i find intriguing:
"When Adam saw Eve in the Garden of Eden, he loved her because she was of himself, bone of his bone, and more like him than any of the other animals created for his delectation. His movement towards her was an act of love for his own kind. This kind of diffuse narcissism has always been accepted as a basis for love, except in a male-female relationship where it has been assumed that man is inflamed by what is different in women, and therefore the differences have been magnified until men have more in common with other men of different races, creeds and colours than they have with the women of their own environment". Germain Greer, p.159

I'm back to reading now.... Take care later, Hon!

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