A short poem by Melur in the movie 'Talentime' directed by the brilliant and talented late Yasmin Ahmad. A MUST-WATCH movie, trust me. I cried buckets. Even my hubby cried. The story intertwined among all cultures and was woven in such a way that it turned out meticulous and deep with many hidden meanings. It is typical of Kak Yasmin to involve the many races and how she deeply feel for how a maid/helper be a part of the family and a human being instead of a maid to be bossed around. And her vision to involve the underdogs in her movie, wow. It means she believed in them. i.e. Instead of asking Jaclyn Victor to be the singing main cast, she tapped on her acting talent instead and asked Pamela Chong to be the female lead. It turned out perfect. Pamela's voice is one of the best I've heard. Better than some Idols. The movie exudes humor, controversy, sweetness and pure heart-warming love. We have lost one of the best talents in the Malaysian movie industry, I feel. She really brought out the best in her actors.

Next up on movies, another must-watch is 'My Sister's Keeper'. A really heart-wrenching movie about death and love. I cried more for this one. And yes, my hubby cried too. A strong emotional movie about how 13-yr-old Anna wanted to sue her parents for the rights to her own body and stop using her body to save her elder sister Kate who has cancer.

Sheikha's Top Ten Facts on My Sister's Keeper
I have decided to skip my review on (500) days of Summer due to time constraint; But ya'll know that's another must-watch movie. (Assginments to be done. Presentations to prepare for!) Well, if I were a full-time paid blogger, I for sure would blog every single day. But alas, I have to earn a living being paid elsewhere. =|
OH yea! Time for the Nike Human Race 10k~! I do have my Top 10 Facts on that!
Sheikha's Top Ten Facts on Nike Human Race.
And there you have it. My Fast Top Ten Facts on the Human Race. I enjoyed myself. Hubby too. It was another milestone of 10k. SheZai after the race, all sweaty and sticky. I did better than last year. See SheZai's last year's race.

Aaaahhhh... Nothing like an ice-cold thirst quencher after the race. Another 10k achieved this year! Yeay!

A sea of red.... Looking forward to next year's race.....

With my legs like jelly, I have another 10km race to complete this Sunday. The Great Eastern Women's 10k run. God help me.
Last last last last last weekend, (ok it's that far already, sorry hon) Hon and I went shopping around ION. These are the belated pictures. The day we watched 500 days of Summer. It was Hon's turn to shop.

Shake it like a polaroid picture!
Today marks our 8 years and 7 months together.... hmmm = 103 monthversary... So happy monthversary Honey!!! Looking forward to next month.... Our 104th month, 2nd wedding anniversary, Hubby's birthday all-in-one occasion!! 25th November it is. Weehoo!

Next up on movies, another must-watch is 'My Sister's Keeper'. A really heart-wrenching movie about death and love. I cried more for this one. And yes, my hubby cried too. A strong emotional movie about how 13-yr-old Anna wanted to sue her parents for the rights to her own body and stop using her body to save her elder sister Kate who has cancer.

Sheikha's Top Ten Facts on My Sister's Keeper
1. I am still wondering how did they make Kate's make-up so real that she really looks cancer sick, with reddish eyes and popping veins.
2. Did Cameron Diaz really shave her head for the show? The answer is NO. Why? Cos she said that it was only for one day, hence not worth it.
3. So did Kate, the 15-yr-old cancer-stricken girl in the movie, really shave her head? Or is it just make-up? The answer is YES. She shaved everything. Her head and her eyebrows.
4. As a mom, Sara is relentless. She desperately wants to win her case and wants people to see things HER way. Typical of a woman. (haha)
5. I love the scene where Brian (Sara's husband) fight for Kate's wish to go to the beach.
6. Having a boyfriend with the same fate as hers, Kate felt how it feels like to be in love. It is sickly sweet (pun unintended)
7. I love the scrapbook that she made!!!!
8. I feel that life is to short. Diseases may come and go, some diseases stay. But even if the disease stayed, there must be will-power to fight it off. If all else fails, then those around should make an effort to lessen the burden of the disease-bearer by making him/her happy and calm.
9. Contradictory to No.8, I feel that once Kate passed on, life moved on pretty well for the rest. What does this show? That there is a blessing behind every burden. Things could turn out differently if Anna were to still donate her blood and stuffs.
10. I got out of the theater with my eyes so 'lebam' due to the crying. Sniffles and all. Must watch.
2. Did Cameron Diaz really shave her head for the show? The answer is NO. Why? Cos she said that it was only for one day, hence not worth it.
3. So did Kate, the 15-yr-old cancer-stricken girl in the movie, really shave her head? Or is it just make-up? The answer is YES. She shaved everything. Her head and her eyebrows.
4. As a mom, Sara is relentless. She desperately wants to win her case and wants people to see things HER way. Typical of a woman. (haha)
5. I love the scene where Brian (Sara's husband) fight for Kate's wish to go to the beach.
6. Having a boyfriend with the same fate as hers, Kate felt how it feels like to be in love. It is sickly sweet (pun unintended)
7. I love the scrapbook that she made!!!!
8. I feel that life is to short. Diseases may come and go, some diseases stay. But even if the disease stayed, there must be will-power to fight it off. If all else fails, then those around should make an effort to lessen the burden of the disease-bearer by making him/her happy and calm.
9. Contradictory to No.8, I feel that once Kate passed on, life moved on pretty well for the rest. What does this show? That there is a blessing behind every burden. Things could turn out differently if Anna were to still donate her blood and stuffs.
10. I got out of the theater with my eyes so 'lebam' due to the crying. Sniffles and all. Must watch.
I have decided to skip my review on (500) days of Summer due to time constraint; But ya'll know that's another must-watch movie. (Assginments to be done. Presentations to prepare for!) Well, if I were a full-time paid blogger, I for sure would blog every single day. But alas, I have to earn a living being paid elsewhere. =|
OH yea! Time for the Nike Human Race 10k~! I do have my Top 10 Facts on that!
Sheikha's Top Ten Facts on Nike Human Race.
1. Due to the sweltering morning sunrise heat, most of the runners were brisk/walking by 5 k. We should've called it The Nike Human Brisk Walk. Hehe!
2. At some places along the route, there was this stench that sucks up your nose and affects your breathing. Not sure if it's human sweat or rubbish dump smell.
3. Overall, I saw only 2 ladies in Muslimah wear participating in the race as per compared to last year's race.
4. I saw a horrendous sight of a girl wearing pink checkered boxer shorts with her Nike Human Race top. Should have taken her pic. haha! What a fashion statement. My mom dresses better.
5. No Malay Mats in sight at all.
6. The route is very spacious. Better running space compared to last year!
7. First music showcase was metal/rock genre by Estranged. What a way to start the morning run! No spectators in sight though. Are they still sleeping in their cosy beds?
8. I think i prefer an evening/night race. The sun and heat makes a hell lot of difference!
9. The view along the way was magnificent. Better than last year's. SG Flyer, F1 pit lane...
10. Due to many people taking it easy and just enjoying the run, Singapore fared among the worst in average timing compared to other countries. Source (Maybe because so many people took part.)
2. At some places along the route, there was this stench that sucks up your nose and affects your breathing. Not sure if it's human sweat or rubbish dump smell.
3. Overall, I saw only 2 ladies in Muslimah wear participating in the race as per compared to last year's race.
4. I saw a horrendous sight of a girl wearing pink checkered boxer shorts with her Nike Human Race top. Should have taken her pic. haha! What a fashion statement. My mom dresses better.
5. No Malay Mats in sight at all.
6. The route is very spacious. Better running space compared to last year!
7. First music showcase was metal/rock genre by Estranged. What a way to start the morning run! No spectators in sight though. Are they still sleeping in their cosy beds?
8. I think i prefer an evening/night race. The sun and heat makes a hell lot of difference!
9. The view along the way was magnificent. Better than last year's. SG Flyer, F1 pit lane...
10. Due to many people taking it easy and just enjoying the run, Singapore fared among the worst in average timing compared to other countries. Source (Maybe because so many people took part.)
And there you have it. My Fast Top Ten Facts on the Human Race. I enjoyed myself. Hubby too. It was another milestone of 10k. SheZai after the race, all sweaty and sticky. I did better than last year. See SheZai's last year's race.

Aaaahhhh... Nothing like an ice-cold thirst quencher after the race. Another 10k achieved this year! Yeay!
A sea of red.... Looking forward to next year's race.....
With my legs like jelly, I have another 10km race to complete this Sunday. The Great Eastern Women's 10k run. God help me.
Last last last last last weekend, (ok it's that far already, sorry hon) Hon and I went shopping around ION. These are the belated pictures. The day we watched 500 days of Summer. It was Hon's turn to shop.

Shake it like a polaroid picture!
Today marks our 8 years and 7 months together.... hmmm = 103 monthversary... So happy monthversary Honey!!! Looking forward to next month.... Our 104th month, 2nd wedding anniversary, Hubby's birthday all-in-one occasion!! 25th November it is. Weehoo!