Yesterday marks our 100th month since we got together as boyfriend and girlfriend on 25/03/2001, so it was a reason to go out and celebrate this milestone. At first, we intended the day to be a Prince AND Princess Day, but then, as we walked around town exploring Ion and OC, we couldn't find anything to buy for each other. So we settled for a nice dinner instead. Romantic candlelight dinner, you think? Naahh.. A messy sloppy dinner is more like it. Hehe! Hon took off on this day after working his full-day shift non-stop for 7 days. Thank you Hon. I Love You! We wanted to have cake after that to celebrate, so we walked from Orchard to Cathay to Raffles Place to find a nice place to chill. But Coffee Club was closed. It's ok though, we sat down and talked and talked about our future, our plans, our goals and dreams. It was lovely.

This is the view from the 7th floor verandah of Orchard Central. The view is nice. Especially during sunset. I think apart from the 1st floor which has Nike and Apple stores, the OC is like a rebirth of Far East Plaza. Oh, did i mention there is also a rock-climbing wall in there too? Most of the shops aren't open yet, but I think Ion beats OC 1-0.
These are our Barbarian dinner.

Hubby brought home these yummies today!!! He surprised me.. hehe! Yeay!! We have cake!! Chocolate Truffle and Spike 'D from Big O!! Woohoo!!
Updates on us so far, well, for me, I am very much enjoying my career. Sure there are many articles in the newspaper mentioning that Early Childhood Educators are like Nannies who have to clean up vomit, urine, stools, change diapers and shower the children, with low measly pay but I beg to differ. It's the society who has 'labelled' us as such. I, for one, do not mind doing all the above out of love, care and concern. Besides, these children are the ones who are going to shape our nation. And the foundation, especially during their 2-6 years of age are of the most importance as this is when their brains are still developing and can absorb every information in detail very fast! Therefore I feel that we, as pre-school teachers, are playing a very important role in shaping their minds. For me, it's about the satisfaction. =) I still have 4 more things I want to accomplish first before starting a family. Wish me luck!
One of the not-so-important ones is to maintain a sexy body. *ahem* haha! Well guess what, after marriage, I have officially gained 8 KG. Seriously! Thus I have pledged to run 5 Km every alternate day after work. Unless I'm sick of course. I have not run in a long time. So when I started running 5 km, the timing was really bad. It takes time to condition my body I guess. Running to BEP's new album rocks!! My aim is to enter the Standard Chartered 10km race and Nike Human Race 10 km again this year!! So... training starts now~! I am also thinking of taking up hiphop dance classes with Jitterbugs. Saw their Cathay Dance Studio and I am so hyped up to join! I wanna dance!
This is the graph my iPod Nike + recorded for my run. Terrible 39 mins. I started off running consistently until I started to brisk-walk. =( Try harder next time, Sheikha!
As for Hon, he has 2 months left until he graduates from his Diploma course. Then it will be back to normal life again for us! Yeay! Can go out after work during his off days again! So happy! Oh, he will surely blog about his closed-door meet-up with Kobe Bryant and his Transformers toys collection next. So stay tuned!