It has been a splendid close-to-1 year marriage and I am looking forward to more years to come. With Hon by my side, I know I can achieve anything, any adventures which we will explore together, any dreams and any goals in our lives.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Happy 7 Years 7 Months Honey!
Apart from our Kanye West Concert next week, we are gearing up for our next mini-Honeymoon!
Our 4th one at that. Getaway just for the both of us again. I'm excited all over again. Breaking away from the sedentary lifestyle is essential to us. Engaging in activities together with your loved one makes the relationship and connection stronger. Just how many of us adapt and accept the normal routine life every single boring day?
Society has accepted this as the norm. We need to break away from this norm once in a while. Life is not all just about sludging your life away for money. (Money to pay debts/loans/retirement fund). Life is so much more than that and you live only once! Is your goal in life all about repaying bank/housing/reno loans which you have taken up to impress others? No! OK i sound like some hyperactive Aggie. Haha!
Basically the gist is.... Live life to the fullest!
I did some research on where to go for our Getaway and boiled down to a few choices. But whatever option/country we decide on, I hope Hon is game on for these!!!
White water r/afting and Sea W/alking!
Lovin' the blog song. =)
On another note, Hon and I caught our all-time favourite SAW V yestermidnight and we can't get enough! We want to watch SAW VI immediately but know we have to wait for next year sadly. Oh damn. I find Jigsaw super-intriguing! This episode is a tad easier to understand but although it is R21 rated, there is NOT ENOUGH GORE!!!! We want more Gore!! Saw 3 and 4 i guess is bloodier and gorier than the 5th instalment. However, both me and Hon are still loving that gut-wrenching, blood-spewing, bone-crunching action. We just can't stop talking about the movie! It's just so mind-boggling! We are super huge fans!!! And I am going to buy all 6 movie posters of SAW and put it up in our future house. Hahaha! Oh and I asked Hon to set my ringtone to the SAW theme. Obsessed or what!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Happy 7 Years 7 Months Honey!
Apart from our Kanye West Concert next week, we are gearing up for our next mini-Honeymoon!
Our 4th one at that. Getaway just for the both of us again. I'm excited all over again. Breaking away from the sedentary lifestyle is essential to us. Engaging in activities together with your loved one makes the relationship and connection stronger. Just how many of us adapt and accept the normal routine life every single boring day?
For the wife: Wake up, prepare breakfast, go work, stress up, reach home, cook dinner, eat, go online, watch TV, sleep.
For the hubby: Wake up, eat, go work, stress up, reach home, eat, go online, watch TV, sleep.
For the hubby: Wake up, eat, go work, stress up, reach home, eat, go online, watch TV, sleep.
Repeat Mode: ON
Society has accepted this as the norm. We need to break away from this norm once in a while. Life is not all just about sludging your life away for money. (Money to pay debts/loans/retirement fund). Life is so much more than that and you live only once! Is your goal in life all about repaying bank/housing/reno loans which you have taken up to impress others? No! OK i sound like some hyperactive Aggie. Haha!
Basically the gist is.... Live life to the fullest!
I did some research on where to go for our Getaway and boiled down to a few choices. But whatever option/country we decide on, I hope Hon is game on for these!!!
White water r/afting and Sea W/alking!

Lovin' the blog song. =)
On another note, Hon and I caught our all-time favourite SAW V yestermidnight and we can't get enough! We want to watch SAW VI immediately but know we have to wait for next year sadly. Oh damn. I find Jigsaw super-intriguing! This episode is a tad easier to understand but although it is R21 rated, there is NOT ENOUGH GORE!!!! We want more Gore!! Saw 3 and 4 i guess is bloodier and gorier than the 5th instalment. However, both me and Hon are still loving that gut-wrenching, blood-spewing, bone-crunching action. We just can't stop talking about the movie! It's just so mind-boggling! We are super huge fans!!! And I am going to buy all 6 movie posters of SAW and put it up in our future house. Hahaha! Oh and I asked Hon to set my ringtone to the SAW theme. Obsessed or what!