Hun really surprised me with the pass to Kanye's concert & it will be my very first concert I'll ever attend to. Hun has always been a fan of going to concerts. In fact she ever went alone to a concert, of course that is before we knew each other. Once again I'd really love to thank you honey!
Anyways, Shezai's going to settle our Hari Raya 'thingy' by before this weekend, starting today. Since I'm on off for today & tomorrow, We'll be heading to Geylang after breaking our fast at Vivo later on to get our baju raya. We're not going to break fast at Geylang again as the food was So-So & the queue was bloody long. Simply not worth it. I'm not so good at choosing Baju Kurung & Hun has always tailored hers every year. Since this year our schedule are very tight, we're going to buy. I'm going for a very simple plain color which will be either green, royal purple or red. Hun will not get the exact color but a nice shade of my tone will be nice furthermore we've never worn same color before anyway. So good luck to us searching for the clothes cos we'll have to go through the 'Ketupat Sumbats', 'Muka Dengdengs' & the newly additions 'Super Young Mums/Parents' while in the bazaar/Katong/Joo Chiat.
T-shirt, short with slipper is what I'm going to wear. Wore jeans on Sunday & practically I can't stand the heat & I get irritated easily.
On the other hand, My mum has been busy making the kuihs/cakes with the help of my Aunt. She made kuih tart & macaroons for Hun's family while 2 versions of choc chips & biskut telur are specially for me! Yum Yum!
Ok then, laters!