Long overdue these pics, but since i have all the time in my hands when Hon's workin weekends, I see a point to blog 'em up. Remember when we said we wanted to go to Chiang Rai, but due to the unavailability of flights, we were saddened. Well, Chandara Phuket lived up to our expectations. Tips: We will always go to tripadvisor.com to check the place out before booking. We booked a free&easy package with some perks and boy were we so glad. Our honeymoon turned out to be an uber relaxation one. 4 days ain't enuff.
These are only some of the pixels out of the 500 we took.

Our Paradise Destination. Humongous place with lots of private villas.

The Eternity pool overlooking the sea, Practically No one swims in it as the place is really really secluded. We owned the pool and got it all to ourselves. Hehe. P.s. Pure water, no chlorine, no urine.

Our specially decorated bed.

Spot SheZai from behind the duvets. =)

The huge sofa beside our bed. Really nice interiors.

At our balcony, this is our private outdoor jacuzzi. Sun-tanning is great here, the water is frozen cold though. But the jets massage all of that away... then on to the outdoor shower, then indoor shower... arrhh it goes on and on! Don't wanna leave this place!

Yup, it overlooks the sea too. Wanna dip in?

The bath tub in the toilet. Nice view outside when you are tubbin' buck naked from inside! haha.

Hon got all excited on the above. He got Shoppin Crazy here! I'll get him to share the photos when he's not too busy. *winks*

Breakfast was great. Food was superb. Notice i cut my '
rimas' locks off the day after our wedding.

The southernmost point of Phuket, high on the hills.

Romancing him.

I still can't believe we are married.

The food was so cheap and spendid!

Next, we went to Darling Harbour, Australia.... NOT. Well, kinda looks like the place though.

Hon's first snorkelling trip. And there's no turning back. He Loves it and wanna go again soon! Redang next month, Hon?

The Beach

Pure clear sparkling waters.

Utter unspoilt relaxation

This sunrise sight greeted us right at our balcony every morning.

Spa next to massage all those tension muscles away. Both of us decided on Asian Blend, Strong and sensational.

Spa-ing the romantic way. hehe.

Refreshed after our 'Asian Blend' massage.

Exploring the compounds... At the helipad.
Ok i think that's about all. We wanna spare you the details of marriage life and all the blah blah blahs... Two words on marriage life though. Amazing journey.