Raya this year seems to fly by at a very fast speed for us. Maybe because in the midst of all that praparations, we still have to put in some time for work, planning, meeting up with our wedding runners, and also put in some time for each other, which is the most important one of all.

It's the time of forgiveness-seeking and non-stop cake-and-dishes-tasting. When you seek forgiveness, you have to dig deep into your heart and soul and let out whatever ill-feeling, gunk of gibberish, hatred, wrong-doings or sin you have done upon each other for the year. You also have to repeat the same lines to each and every person you meet in every house you go to. Like in a script. Keep repeating until that person gives in and forgives your wrongdoings. Like as in 'Earn-a-green-packet-day' campaign or whatever. i.e. exhibit A below.

And when THAT is done, It's all good.

Mom and Dad have been very very busy distributing out the wedding invitations. They are the most wonderful gems in my life. Speaking of which, once these go out, it's a done deal. No turning back now. *which i don't ever intend to, when i have the man of my dreams becoming my husband soon*. I'm all smiles , excited, happy, etc. A thousand and one feelings all rolled into one.

And so whenever we go visiting, the little toddlers and babies will always always always get the most attention and limelight. They will also be the loudest. And hold out their hands in anticipation and eagerness in getting their money collection.

Then there'll be the next group of "grown-up toddlers" who will clan up in groups and share endless stories and views of school, life and also, the PSP which is all the rage this raya among them. P.S. I declare myself in this clan, Give me some credit aight, as it'll be the last time i get to be named as a grown-up toddler. Next year, God knows. I'll be sitting down with the elders discussing cooking recipes, tips in cleaning the kitchen, how to handle a baby and all those educational 'Discovery' channel - no, Suria and Sensasi channel- things. No more 'MTV' channel for me. Save me!

The Guys during our friends raya outing.

And with a heavy heart, I say, its a Monday again tomorrow. WORK like a Dog, Baby. My workstation looks like a fire hazard. Stressed just looking at it. *dragggggyyyyyy Monday dawning tomorrow* Can i live a simple life?