What do we do for fun? I realised that in this blog, most of our starting sentence begins with "We had fun today!" Well, truth be told, that's exactly how we, SheZai, felt when we are out with each other. Basically, Our golden rule..."We Have Fun." Get out of our mundane sedentary lifestyle and explore our endless possibilities.
And so it didn't surprise anybody out there that we went to Sentosa (again) yesterday. Ah ah ah... No no, it's not tanning or beaching and whatsoever. We actually planned to "walk around" at first. But where our feet brought us to left little to the imagination. Soo... here goes...
"Our History Fieldtrip"...

We saw this beautiful creature at the entrance of "Underwater World". Oh Poor poor turtles.. Living in captivity. They're huge, i tell ya. Hon captured this gorgeous shot.

This one wanted to say :Hi:
I'm gonna be Shark Bait soon enough. It was so hot and the sun was scorching yesterday.
I had to wear light.
And no, we didn't go to Underwater World due to the very costly entrance fees. Not worth it for now. So onwards we march to another area...

Having a rest in the shade before we begin our "Expedition". Hah! Yea right. We felt like students once again.
Seeing that Fort Siloso costs only $8/- per person, our senses kicked in and we decided to explore further. We are trying to save money, but have fun all at the same time... and it IS achievable. =) *
Feeling Oprah Winfrey's Debt Diet*
Hon scrutinizing the Map of the fort. The place is huge and the guide told us it will take 1& 1/2 hours to explore the area. Aahhh.. just what we needed. A little education won't hurt us, yea? Anon once said, "Search knowledge from cradle to grave."

If you were to look closely at this picture, Hon is actually flying....


A letter written by a Soldier to his Mom during the Occupation..

The underlined portion caught my eyes. Hehe!

This Underlined Portion caught Hon's eyes..
-"Dhobi-Wallah" a.k.a. Laundry man.

Don't we look like we're in another country or something? hahaha!
There's actually smoke coming from the canon behind us if u look closely.

Union Jacked Hon raised the flag.
*feign British accent*
Insert sentence here.I like this sentence. It resonates Power.

A Lovely shot captured.
You wouldn't have noticed that the man isn't actually real or a dummy.
In fact, It's just cardboard.
ut then again, How could a person be so gray in colour?
What's Fort Siloso without this piece of artwork?
A must-take photo. hah!

This pic i took scared the shit out of me. Look at it for a long time and it'll spook the shit out of you too!

The Gunners' Room.

Hon being a great sport posing atop the canon.

"Syonan-To" - A difficult time for then Singaporeans.

The Fort Siloso Bus is shiny and new. It's amazing. We couldn't resist taking a picture with it.

Hmmmm... Wonder if we should rent this thing for our wedding.....ermm... Hon?

Skyride and Luge is next. The Skyride was fabulous! Well, Hon was afraid of heights but Kudos to you Dear for making it to the tops! hahaa! We can go skiiing next time. The picture will be updated soon as I am still waiting for an email from them for our picture. hehehe! Can't wait. It shows the fear in our faces, but it turned out nice!
This last picture at the Bottom is so corny.
Now now, Scrap that thought out of your heads!

After Sentosa, We caught Yasmin Ahmad's movie "Mukhsin" @ Vivocity in light of the Film Festival. Hon said it's out on DVD already but movie sounds good too.
Hon and me have always been a fan of Gubra and Sepet. And we have yet to catch "Rabun". But Mukhsin is like a Prequel to Sepet. It's Good. Very Good. Very Very Good.
You will relate to it well if you are a true Malay at heart. The acting is superb, the emotions shown will make you gasp in awe. There will be special appearances by "Orked" and "Jason".
There are familiar scenes where you'll laugh your hearts out. Yasmin Ahmad is an intelligent storyteller. Hats off to her.