Shezai @ Ros Wedding

The Last Gift Hun Suprised Me For My 5 Birthday Presents!
December 2005 is the most celebrated month of the year! Nope, I'm not referring to Christmas nor New Year neither. I'm talking bout weddings & our engagement day tomorrow(25/12/05). Firstly, my bestfriend Juherman tied the knot with Fildza early this month, secondly Hun's bestfriend Ros tied the knot too & cocurrently on the same day my campmate friend, Hanaffi too tie the knot. Adding to the coming month, January 06, I'm going to have another 2 close friends getting engaged on a back to back weekends. Wow.. heh
Preparations for our engagement has been fun! The shopping especially, right hun? haha, people might have mistaken us shopping for christmas gifts especially the time we really splurge at Candy Empire! haha!
Okaylah, I enjoyed every moment of our time finding gifts for ourselves for tomorrow but for now the preparations starts at home already.. preparations of the gifts, mass cooking! ahah I hate the part where my family & all cut the onions cause its irritating my eyes! haaha.. till then.. laters!