Such A Lovely Catch At Such A Lovely Price, 82$ ';P~
Saturday, July 31, 2004
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Happy 40th Mth For Shezai ';D
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Aaaahhh Finally.
BF is working the AM shift tomorrow. And me still at home, with sooo much free time. Hahah! I thought of taking up a Macromedia Flash/Dreamweaver short course with Informatics just to kill time, and upgrading myself. And for the fun of it. Ever since i've been lazying around at home, i feel so carefree, so relaxed...... NOT! I feel jittery... like i have to do something, anything except the normal eat, sleep, watch TV, go out, find money, spend money. My results/classification will be out at the end of August. Still a long way to go. I hope i get a temporary job. Ok ok, this is just utter crap of entertaining myself through blog. Hmmmm..OR.. i could get back at sketching. ok Bye!
Monday, July 19, 2004
Anyways work has been great as always. Really enjoy the enviroment & always something new every month. Perhaps thats why I don't get bored easily like I did at RMG. Been always trying to find a way to relax myself these days when I'm on off. Playing golf has been one of those choices. Its really pretty relaxing sport though. Quite expensive too but then we have this loan out thingy so why not ay? haha oh wait, I'm not trying to be like him but I just want to give a try to the sport. Just have to get the gloves & shoes myself though, the clubs & all can loan Nike ones. Haha it always feel good to work in a dream company. Hope my dream comes true!
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Do You Feel Violated?
Recently, there has been an article in the newspaper about how the latest Models of camera phones and devices with built-in cameras has caused much awareness and urgency to the members of the public. The article mentioned an example of how this Chee Ko Pek guy, standing in line at an ATM machine, discretely took pictures of this curvacious lady (butt, hair, body, etc)standing in front of him in the queue with his camera phone. Relek ajer!
Has it happened to you? (Well, you wouldn't know it, would you?) Most likely, it is usually the ladies who fall victim to such indecent acts. I'm sure many ladies out there
have felt that their privacy has been breached before. Such Rude people have nothing better to do than to take pictures of girls and store it in their handphones thinking that they can show them off to their friends. How intimidating can it get? And to rub salt to the wound, these picture-snappings of unawared passers-by happen right here in public.
Referring to Picture 1 (a distorted image of me, chunk together to make it into what i had in mind. ) For example, in the crowded MRT train, when a guy/gal standing in front of you takes out his handphone and use it, (while you are sitting down in front of him/her), you would think he/she is SMSing or playing java games, But would you really know if he/she is secretly taking a picture of you sitting down? (Ladies, take care of your cleavage). Try it, when you look up, you are actually staring right into his/her camera. But then again, he/she might just be doing his own stuff. THe problem here is.. you never know! Nokia has since came up with a camera phone that can Zoom in on pics, Well well well.... It's good in a way, but imagine some people using it for other purposes!
There has been rules about where and when to use camera phones in public, but do you think people care? They don't because they know they can't get caught! From 4 personal experiences,(two in MRT, one in KFC, one in school canteen),i tell you ,this place is not safe anymore. Yes, i have to warn you people out there, especially ladies, please be aware of your surroundings as i think this Phase/trend is cathing up slowly. And the most irritating and annoying thing about it is, nobody can do anything about it, except YOU. BE AWARE.
Please participate in the poll "I poll" at the bottom right corner of this blog. Thank You.
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Monday, July 05, 2004
Fun Group Photo Ya'll!
All 16 of us went to watch Spiderman 2 Jus now. The show was good. Not really of a Hoo Haa. Gripping scenes though. Nice effects. Mushy Romantic Lines. Watch out for Spiderman 3 comin ya way! Happenning next was NyoNya And Apek Blues for dinner, at Ah Chew, much to our Annoyance. But the chicken rice they served was great, though. It Made up for it all. It was a fun day out indeed, No Doubt. P/s: Famie's youngest small brother is so Adorable! Watchin' Spidyman makes me wanna fly out of 'ere! Save me Spidey! Suntec is havin a Crazed-up Spiderman promotion. Even Bossini prints the yummilicious spiderman on its T-shirts! What the....